An official army family and MWR Site

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

See the signs, avoid the hazards.

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the "Day of Unity" held in October 1981 and was conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. In October 1987, the first Domestic Violence Awareness month was observed.

Domestic Violence goes against Army and relationship core values and is never OK. Take a stand to stop domestic violence and keep our community safe. Even simple actions can help protect victims. See below for the list of events hosted by Army Community Service.


Red Shilhouette Activity

Want to help raise awareness for National Domestic Violence Awareness Month? 

Red shilhouettes will be placed around the instillation to raise awareness, to support and promote national, state, and local advocacy networks in their ongoing public education efforts through public awareness, strategies, materials, and resources.

The goal is to find as many red shilhouettes around the installation, answer the question that will be placed at each shilhouette, and check off the location on paper or take a selfie and use the hashtag #WainwrightDVAM. With each post and/or paper submission, your name will be placed in a drawing for the Grand Prize at the end of the month.

Please reach out to Army Community Service at +1 (907)353-4227.


Wear Purple Every Friday in October

The entire community is invited to wear purple on Fridays in October to recognize our collective responsibility to prevent all forms of domestic violence. Let's band together and wear purple as a visible commitment to support the prevention and awareness of this tragedy.

For more information, please call the Family Advocacy Program at +1 (907)353-4335 or +1 (907)353-7317.

Army Community Service

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