- ACS Program Phone Numbers
The Fort Wainwright Army Community Service (ACS) is a comprehensive blend of quality of life programs in line with Department of Defense (DoD) activities. The programs offered are intended to provide support services, education, and information to assist Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, and DoD Civilians assigned to Fort Wainwright.
Our list of ACS Programs and phones are listed below.
Phone Number
ACS Front Desk
Army Family Team Building (AFTB)
Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
Army Volunteer Corps Program (AVC)
+1 (907)353-4337 Employment Readiness Program
+1 (907)353-4337 Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
+1 (907)353-4335 Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
+1 (907)353-7317 or 24/7 at +1 (907)482-7165
Financial Readiness and
Army Emergency Relief
Lending Closet +1 (907) 353-7908 Mobilization & Development Program +1 (907)353-4332 New Parent Support Program Relocation Readiness Program +1 (907)353-7908 SHARP - 24/7 +1 (907)353-7272 Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) +1 (907)384-0272 Other Assistance Phone Numbers
Phone Number
Domestic Violence Victim Hotline -
Text or Talk 24/7Military & Family Life Counselors
Adult and couple:
+1 (907) 308-9413Child & Youth:
+1 (907) 482-0835
Spiritual Assistance Chaplain - 24/7
Phone Number
Military Police (24 hrs)
Off Post Emergency (Police/Fire)
Medical Health Clinic (BACH)
Social Services & Counseling Behavioral Health
Social Services & Counseling – Social Work Services
Social Services & Counseling – Army Community Service
This form is not currently available. - Learn About Army Life
Army Family Team Building (AFTB) includes online and classroom classes that cover topics such Army life, self-development and leadership skills. AFTB Level Modules feature:
- Level Knowledge: Learn about Army life and how to maneuver through daily challenges by discovering how to decipher Army acronyms, utilize Community Resources, attain better financial readiness and understand the goal and impact of the Army mission on daily life
- Level Growth: Grow personally through self-development modules. The modules teach participants how to improve their communication skills, personal relationships, and stress management. Participants discover team dynamics, how to solve problems and how to resolve personal conflict.
- Level Leadership: Expand leadership skills, effective communication techniques and mentorship skills by taking the training modules. Learn about different leadership styles, how to run an effective meeting, how to manage group conflict and how to coach and mentor others. The Enlisted Spouses Course Series prepares enlisted spouses to assume additional responsibilities as their Soldiers progress through their positions as Drill Sergeants, Recruiters and First Sergeants.
My Army OneSource: Army Family Team Building Contact your local AFTB Program Manager for more information at DSN (317) 353-2382 or CIV (907) 353-2382.
- Financial Readiness Trainings April- June 2024
- New to the Community
Household Goods Lending Closet
When relocating to a new installation, you can borrow basic household goods such as:
- Pots and pans
- Dishes
For more information about the Lending Closet.
Plan My Move/Military Installations
This program guides you with detailed information on installations worldwide, planning calendars and checklists for a smooth move as well as information on local weather, maps, programs, services and photos of over 250 military installations. You can visit the Plan My Move website or stop by the Relocation Office.
Contact the ACS Relocation Manager for more information.
- Relocation Readiness
Moving is a part of life for Soldiers, civilian government employees and their Families. The Army Community Service Relocation Readiness Program is here to help with a comprehensive support system, whether it’s your first move or the last of many. We have all kinds of information and resources to help you and your family navigate your next military move.
Your first stop should be your local Army Community Service Family center to meet with a Relocation Readiness Program Manager who can get you started.
Fort Wainwright Newcomers Orientation:
The Fort Wainwright Newcomers Orientation and Information Fair are an interactive orientation and welcome fair, respectively that introduce incoming Soldiers, Family Members, and other members of the military community to Interior Alaska. All are welcome to attend.Before attending the Newcomers Orientation, take a look at our Garrison Commander's Welcome Letter and Information Packet. The packet will help orient you to Fort Wainwright and the surrounding communities before you attend the official Orientation.
Welcome to Winter Orientation:
Winters in the Interior of Alaska are extreme. The elements are not forgiving and can have major effects on a person's life. The Welcome to Winter Orientation prepares and educates Soldiers, Family Members, and new DoD Employees on how to be successful during Alaskan winters. The orientation will cover vehicle preparation and repair (winterization), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), winter safety tips, home winterization tips, and much more.LEVY/OCONUS Briefing:
The LEVY/OCONUS briefing is offered to Soldiers and Families moving overseas or back to the Lower 48. Information provided during the orientation includes but is not limited to your pre-move and pre-move counseling, PCS process procedures, finance entitlements, shipping household goods, port call, Family travel, as well as legal assistance for claims. - Career Guidance & Employment Opportunities
The Employment Readiness Program (ERP) provides information and referral services on employment, education, training, transition and volunteer opportunities to give Family members the competitive edge needed to secure meaningful employment. ERP offers up-to-date information on available employment opportunities, market and job trends, education and volunteer resources to help individuals make informed decisions when seeking employment. Services offered by the ERP include classes and seminars related to employment:
- Career exploration
- Resume writing
- Interviewing techniques
- Dressing for success
- Networking
- Entrepreneurship
- Individual career assessment and counseling
Contact the Employment Readiness Program Manager for more information.
- Volunteer
Volunteerism stabilizes the Army by contributing to community cohesion, increasing self-reliance and enhancing the well-being of Soldiers and their Families. Volunteer to contribute your talents and experience a worthy cause.
Army Volunteer Corps can link volunteers with local volunteering opportunities. What can volunteering do for you?
- Gain a sense of satisfaction/achievement by meeting challenges
- Learn about the Army, its sister services and the community
- Acquire new skills and or expand old ones
- Obtain work experience
- Build new friendship and become a cohesive part of the community
Army OneSource: Find Volunteer Opportunities In Your Community Contact the Volunteer Corps Coordinator for more information.
Get Connected! Volunteer – How to Guide for finding opportunities to stay busy or give back
The Volunteer Management Information Management System (VMIS) was developed to give the Army a real-time snapshot of volunteer activities at any given time, at any given installation. You may search for volunteer opportunities; log your hours, and document training and awards all on one site. Best of all, the information travels with you when you PCS or ETS and provides you with a complete volunteer history whether you are just tracking your volunteer activities or using the information to search for employment. Remember all volunteer hours must be tracked through the VMIS System. For further information, please call the Army Volunteer Corps office..
Access the VMIS site:
Log on to: www.myarmyonesource.com
- Click on Volunteer tools (upper right hand corner).
- Now you should see the page that says, “I am looking for volunteer opportunities.”
- Click on switch to OCONUS.
- Click on the map where it says Alaska
- Go to the bottom of this page and filter by organization, change the record page to 200, apply filter – it’s easier to find positions this way.
- Select a position you are interested in, and then click to apply at the bottom of the page
NOTE: If you are a first time user, you must register first. Follow the steps below to apply.
Register (for 1st time users)
- Click on the Registration for this site (upper right hand corner)
- Complete the registration information.
- Click continue.
- Verify Information, click Register at the bottom of the right hand corner.
- Screen will show “Registration Complete” and “Thank you for registering. You have been pre-approved and logged into the site.”
- Click on Continue (returns to home page)
Apply for a position (once registered)
- Follow the steps above, then:
- Position description will open on the screen.
- Scroll to bottom and click on submit.
- Screen will say, “Volunteer Application sent.”
- Screen will say, “What would you like to do next?”
- An email will be sent to the Organization Point of Contact (OPOC) who must approve your application in VMIS before you can begin logging volunteer hours.
Log in your hours
- Log into www.myarmyonesource.com
- Click on LOG IN at the top of the page
- Click on VOLUNTEER TOOLS (upper right hand corner).
- Click on Volunteer Activity.
- All positions you are registered for are under this tab.
- To enter for current month, select day, then Add for Open Dates.
- To enter historical hours, select period, and Add for Period.
- Families with Special Needs
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) provides an all-inclusive approach for community, educational, medical, housing and personnel services for Families with special needs. An exceptional Family member may be a child or an adult with any physical, emotional, developmental or intellectual disorder that limits the individual's capacity to engage in pursuits with peers or that requires:
- Special treatment
- Therapy
- Education
- Training
Some of the conditions that would qualify a person as an exceptional Family member include:
- Asthma
- Epilepsy
- Diabetes
- Developmental delays
- Speech
- Language
- Hearing or visual impairment
- Behavioral issues
- Physical disabilities and mental health disorders
EFMP Advocacy and Community Resources Contact the EFMP Program Manager at +1 (907) 353-4335">+1 (907) 353-4335 or the Systems Navigator at +1 (907) 353-4460">+1 (907) 353-4460.
Respite Care Information Army One Source: Exceptional Family Member Respite Care Program
Enrollment and Screening Information US Army Medical Department: Exceptional Family Member Program Contact EFMP Medical for assistance at +1 (907) 361-5825">+1 (907) 361-5825.
Click on links below for more information
- Survivor Outreach Services
Many times, after the loss of a Soldier, unresolved issues or questions come up long after the Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) has concluded his or her duties. In addition to the grief the Family will suffer, they may also be faced with issues and questions built around the life of an Army Family. Those left behind often:
- Wonder if there is anyone out there that understands
- Need local resources for support
- Want reliable information about programs, services and benefits available to them, but aren’t sure where to go or how to find them
In keeping with the Army’s commitment to its Soldiers, the Soldier Outreach Services (SOS) delivers on that commitment by providing dedicated and comprehensive support to Surviving Families who have lost a Soldier, whether active, reserve, guard or retired. The SOS can provide support, information and services as long as is needed. Program Support Coordinators are on hand to:
- Meet in person with Surviving Families
- Listen with compassion and offer reassurance
- Provide information and referral to appropriate resources
- Ensure Surviving Families receive all benefits to which they are entitled
- Encourage our Surviving Families to remain an integral part of the Army Family for as long as they desire
For more information contact the local SOS Support Coordinator/Liaison. My Army OneSource: Survivor Outreach Services
Gold Star Pins
http://www.goldstarpins.org is aimed at raising awareness of the Gold Star Pin and to ensure that our Gold Star Families receive the respect and honor they are due.
When you see someone wearing one of the Gold Star Pins, know that he or she has lost a loved one who selflessly served our nation.
- Family Advocacy Program
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) promotes individual and Family strengths during challenging times to reduce the risk of violence. The FAP provides military Families with prevention services and educational programs, including:
- Emergency Placement
- Respite Care
- Victim Advocacy
- FAP Education and Prevention
- New Parent Support Office, Home Visits & Education
- Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence
- Support Groups and Enrichment Classes
- Alternative Services
Domestic Violence 24/7 Hotline: +1(907) 799-9770
Army Community Service Front Desk DSN +1(317) 353-4227 CIV +1(907) 353-4227 can connect you with the above programs.Victim Advocacy Program (VAP): Victims of domestic abuse and intimate partner sexual abuse have round-the-clock access to services, including emergency assistance, information, referrals, and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal, and law enforcement services on and off garrisons. Victim Advocates will discuss the option of restricted and unrestricted reports and ensure victims have a safety plan. Please call the 27/7 Victim Advocate Hotline at (907) 799-9770 for help today.
For more information on the Victim Advocacy Program please visit: Domestic Abuse Prevention Resources | Military OneSource
- Need Help with Finances?
Financial Readiness Program
The Financial Readiness Program (FRP) combines consumer affairs and financial counseling with emergency financial assistance. FRP provides a wide range of services to assist Active Duty and retired military, their eligible Family members, Department of the Army civilians, active duty Reserve Component Soldiers and Survivors with their personal financial affairs. The FRP supports commanders in maintaining unit financial readiness while assisting Soldiers and Families to achieve self-sufficiency and long-term financial stability. Some of the FRP services include:
- Budgeting and debt management
- Credit reports and scores
- Investing and the Thrift Savings Plan
- Preparing for major life events such as deployments, divorce, marriage, large purchases, etc.
Contact the Financial Readiness Program Manager for more information.
Army Emergency Relief (AER)
AER is a private nonprofit organization that provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers and their Families. AER helps with emergency financial needs:
- Food
- Rent Utilities
- Emergency transportation & vehicle repair
- Funeral expenses
- Medical/dental expenses
- Personal needs when pay is delayed or stolen
- Other emergency financial needs.
AER partners with other military aid societies to enable local assistance for service members from the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. AER also provides scholarships toward education. AER gives spouses and dependent children of Army Soldiers great opportunities for their first undergraduate degree (some scholarships can reach $4,000 annually)! Application information can be found online at www.aerhq.org. Contact the Army Emergency Relief Program Manager.
- Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program
The Mobilization, Deployment & Stability Support (MDSSO) Program provides active duty, reserve units and guard units with pre and post deployment and mobilization briefings. Soldier and Family Readiness Groups training, information, referral services, and resource materials under the R.E.A.L. (Readiness Essentials for Army Leaders) training.
- SFRG Leader (Download Smart Book)
- SFRG Manager- Learn how to assist the commander in maintaining an active and effective SFRG and overall Family Readiness program.
- SFRG Command Family Readiness Representative (CFRR)- This class is designed to instruct the appointed Service member on the roles and responsibilities of being assigned the additional duty of "Command Family Readiness Representative" while working with the Commander and SFRG.
- SFRG Informal Funds- Provides regulatory guidance and fundraising information necessary to maintain efficient records for an SFRG informal fund.
- SFRG Key Contact - Provides attendees with resources and scenario exercises to become confident when interacting with SFRG members.
- CAsualty REsponse (CARE) Team Training
- Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC)
- Army Family Team Building (AFTB) Program Manager
- Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Program Manager
Please contact the Mobilization, Deployment & Stability Support Manager for enrollment into an SFRG training class or assistance with any of the above services.
- Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
AFAP is a grassroots process that gives the community an opportunity to voice concerns and issues that affect quality of life in Fort Wainwright and in the whole Army.
Please click here for the AFAP Issue Submission Form.
You can submit an issue to the AFAP Program Manager. E-mail your AFAP Issue Form or call the AFAP Program Manager at 907-353-4332.
- Military & Family Life Consultants (MFLC)
Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) are available to help Service Members and their Family Members deal with deployment and redeployment issues, relationship issues, parenting challenges, communication problems, stress and anxiety, depression, grief and more. Services are free and confidential.
If you would like to speak to an MFLC, please call the following numbers to set up a time to meet:
Adult, Couple, and Youth Military Family Life Counselors:Adult and couple:
+1(907) 308-9413+1 (907) 753-6742
Child & Youth:School Military & Family Life Counselors:
Arctic Light Elementary: +1 (907) 251-8261
Ladd Elementary: +1 (907) 201-0319
Tanana Middle & Lathrop High School: +1 (907) 406-9422
Ticasuk Brown & Hunter Elementary: +1 (907) 201-1261
North Pole Middle School & High Schools: +1 (907) 251-8458 - Registration Form for ACS Programs and Trainings
- Leisure Needs Survey
How can we improve the leisure and activity needs of our community? That's where you come in!
By filling out this short survey, you are providing valuable insight and direction for where are Army community ventures to next!
All answers will remain anonymous. Your answers to the following questions will be used to guide future spending, programming, and other management-level decisions.
Army Community Service is an empowered team that provides comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive advocacy and prevention, information and referral, outreach, financial, employment, Soldier and Family readiness, exceptional Family Member and relocation assistance services that support the readiness and well-being of Soldiers and their Families, Civilian Employees, and Retirees.