- Child Care Fee Assistance Program & Army Fee Assistance (AFA) Program
Army Fee Assistance is an initiative that assists eligible Army Families to reduce the costs of off-post options when on-post options are not available or accessible. Through the AFA program, families receive monthly fee assistance (paid directly to the child care provider) to help offset the cost of child care in their communities. AFA guidelines state that if there is space available for a Sponsor’s child/children at an Army Child Development Center (CDC), Family Child Care (FCC) home or School Age Center (SAC), then such space must be used for the care of his/her own children. In the event that the Army CDC/FCC/SAC does not have available space, then the Sponsor may be eligible to apply for Off-Post Community Based Fee Assistance.- The Army’s contribution toward the total cost of child care for Army Families.
- Fee Assistance compensates for the difference between a community-based provider’s rate and an installation’s rate for similar services. Calculations for fee assistance are based on provider rate caps.
- The parent rate (parent’s portion) and the amount of fee assistance combines usually equal the provider’s rate.
- The program is not an entitlement program and is subject to the availability of funds
CHILD CARE REQUESTS must be made through militarychildcare.com (MCC).
If CYS determines that your request cannot be met within 45 days of the date care is needed, then you may obtain a signed Statement of Non-Availability (SNA) Form, which is required for the Army Fee Assistance application process.CONTACT INFORMATION:
- CHILD CARE REQUESTS / STATEMENT OF NON-AVAILABILITY FORM: Parent Central Services at 907-353-7713 or visit BLDG 3414 Rhineland Avenue 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday-Friday.
- FEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, administered by Child Care Aware of America: 1(800) 424-2246 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EDT, Monday-Friday, email militaryinfo@childcareaware.org, or visit https://www.childcareaware.org.
- CYS Registration
Registering Your Child in CYS
The first step to participating in CYS programs and activities is registration. Start your CYS registration by gathering up the needed paperwork with Webtrac online services, then finish up in person at Parent Central Services.
We’ll verify your eligibility (based on the sponsor’s status) at registration.
You’ll need your ID card and the following items to complete your registration:
- Kids age – 0-12 years
- CYS Health Screening Tool, DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725
- Child Health Assessment - complete Parts A, B & C or Part A + school physical (due within 30 days of registration)
- Family Care Plan for single/dual military only (due within 30 days of registration)
- 6th grade – 12th grade:
- CYS Teen Self Registration Form
- CYS Health Screening Tool, DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725 (complete only if physician documented special needs)
After CYS registration, most of your information follows you from post to post, so you don’t have to start from scratch after each new PCS move.
Once your registration is complete, you can enroll in programs like these: Child Development Centers (CDC), Family Child Care (FCC), School Age Centers (SAC), Kids on Site (KOS), Camps (Summer Camp and Before School Supervision), SKIESUnlimited, and Youth Sports. You’ll need to complete the listed forms for the program in which you are enrolling, available on WebTrac or in person at CYS Parent Central Services:
- Child Care (including Child Development Centers, Family Child Care and School Age Center)
- Application for Department of Defense Child Care Fees, DD 2652 (not applicable to hourly care)
- USDA Income Eligibility Form
- Current immunization record (up to five year olds, and school age kids not enrolled in public school)
- CYS Health Screening Tool, DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725
- Child Health Assessment (complete Parts A, B & C or Part A + school physical), due within 30 days of registration
- Current immunization record (up to five year olds, and school age kids not enrolled in public school)
- Kids on Site
- CYS Health Screening Tool, DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725
- Child Health Assessment (complete Parts A, B & C or Part A + school physical), due within 30 days of registration
- Current immunization record (up to five year olds, and school age kids not enrolled in public school)
- Summer Camp (before 1pm) or Before School Supervision
- Application for Department of Defense Child Care Fees, DD 2652
- CYS Health Screening Tool: DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725 (if identified during the registration process)
- SKIESUnlimited
- CYS Health Screening Tool: DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725
- Youth Sports
- CYS Health Screening Tool: DA 7625-1, Tool 1 or DA 7725
- Health Assessment/Sports Physical (complete Parts A, B & C). Due before participation in all sports activities
We may also require a Medical Action Plan (MAP) if your child/youth is diagnosed with allergies, diabetes, asthma/respiratory, seizures that require any rescue medications, or other conditions noted by Multi-disciplinary Inclusion Action Team (MIAT).
Parent Orientation
Once you’re registered with CYS and enrolled in a program, Parent Central Services schedules appointments to acquaint parents with their child’s program. These sessions are an important part of the enrollment process and are offered at times convenient to parents. Orientation highlights include:
- Facility tour
- Orientation of our programs and spaces
- Review of rules of conduct and procedures
- Opportunity to meet staff, care providers and key volunteers
- Chance to complete required forms
- Parent participation
- Kids age – 0-12 years
- Get on the Childcare Wait List (MilitaryChildCare.com)
Requesting care is a snap with MilitaryChildCare.com.
Military Child Care (MCC) is a Department of Defense website for military families seeking child care. This single online gateway enables families to search for and request care, manage their requests and update their profiles online. Once you create an account, you can start requesting care.
Go to MilitaryChildCare.com to create an account containing information about your family, or to login using an existing username and password.
Search the system for the child care options that best fit your needs and submit your request for care.
You can manage your requests for care from anywhere in the world.
Keep your My Profile page up-to-date with important information.
Will I get a Wait List number or an indication of how long will it be?
Militarychildcare.com will provide you with an anticipated placement time for child care when you request care.
- Child Care Fees
According to public law, child care fees military-wide are based on Total Family Income (TFI), which is how much the parents make. (Fees are based on TFI and apply to children who attend on a regular basis. Parents are mandated by public law to pay their share of the cost of child care. Section 1793 of title 10, United States Code, requires that DoD prescribe uniform fee regulations for military child development programs.)
Parent fees are determined during the enrollment process prior to enrolling in a regularly scheduled Child Development Center (CDC), Family Child Care Home (FCC), School Age Care (SAC) or Youth Programs operating before 1300 hours and annually thereafter.
WebTrac offers easy bill payment, tax forms, receipts, class sign-ups and other convenient options. Payments for childcare can also be made at any CYS Child Development Center, School Age Center, and Parent Central Services (PCS).
- Children with Special Medical Needs
We love our kids with special needs – and make every effort to involve them in CYS activities and programs.
To do that, every installation convenes a Multi-disciplinary Inclusion Action Team (MIAT), which explores child care and youth supervision options for children and youth with special needs, including life-threatening conditions, functional limitations and diagnosed behavioral/psychological conditions.
The MIAT recommends child care and youth placement. It also determines reasonable accommodations and availability of services to support a child/youth’s special needs.
The MIAT includes parent(s), CYS Coordinator, Outreach Services Director, Army Public Health Nurse (APHN), and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) manager.
- For Kids
Military Kids Connect is a DoD program to help connect military kids with each other and with the resources they need to cope with military life.
- Parent Participation
CYS needs parents, too! Want to get engaged with CYS? Here are some ways.
Parent Volunteers: Throughout the year, we need parents to help out with activities. The Parent Participation Program encourages parents to volunteer with CYS, assisting with special events and activities (like field trips, holiday events, and special curriculum programs), small group activities, and special projects (such as playground improvement, procurement of equipment, and administrative aid). Parent Participation Program volunteers can take advantage of reduced child care fees for regularly scheduled programs, too.
Parent Education: Want resources to help raise healthy children? Join us for a variety of parental education classes to enhance parenting skills.
Parent Advisory Council: If you’re interested in a leadership role, look into the Parent Advisory Board, which meets quarterly to discuss ways to enhance Child and Youth Programs.
- Enrichment Programs
Don’t need childcare? We offer enrichment programs, too!
Here are some of our most popular on-post activities:
Kids On Site! provides short-term hourly child care to parents attending on-post meetings or functions in the same or adjacent building.
Parents on Site offers support services for parent co-ops, infant/toddler playgroups, and short-term care in unit settings by Family members in another unit or organization.
CYSitters offers formal training for teens from adults who provide short term hourly child care for Families in their own homes. The training covers the skills needed to safely and appropriately care for children, including first aid and CPR, program activities, and the “business” of babysitting.
School of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration and Skills (SKIESUnlimited) includes a range of out-of-school classes in areas like music, dance, martial arts, gymnastics, technology, life skills, SAT prep and athletic experiences.
Deployment Support Services provides special options for eligible Army Service members, including deployed Soldiers, dependents of Army Fallen Warriors, and Army Wounded Warriors assigned to a Wounded Warrior Unit. If you’re deploying, contact your local Parent Central Services Office or your child’s program.
- PCS'ing and Relocating
Transition of Child Records
Parent Central Services provides Army-wide transition assistance such as Global Data Transfer (GDT) of child records and accepts projected registrations for continued services. The system is designed to streamline the relocation process for military and civilian families. Standard data elements (such as names, birthdates, child health records, etc.) should follow each Family to their new duty assignments and make the local CYS registration procedure faster and easier.
Importing and exporting data for relocating families is part of the regular CYS in-and out-processing protocol.
- Army Fee Assistance Program
Army Fee Assistance (AFA) is an initiative that assists eligible Army Families to reduce the cost of off-post child care when on-post options are not available or accessible.
AFA is available to Active Duty Army, Department of the Army Civilians, Active Army Reserves, and Active Army National Guard. Currently, the program is available to eligible Fort Wainwright Families who are currently on the CYS Waitlist.
This program can help ease the costs of off-post child care, including Annual Child Care Registration Fees, Full-Time and Part-Time Child Care, Before and After School/Summer Care, and Respite Child Care (must meet eligibility requirements).
- Part Day Preschool
Starting Fall 2021!
- 5 Day Program: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
- 3 Day Program (Monday, Wednesday, Friday): 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Located at the School Age Center bldg. 4166 Neely Rd.
Join the Waitlist!
- Hourly Child Care
Hourly Care is available at the SFAC Childcare Room (Building 3414 Rhineland Avenue).
Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Limited Space available. Call +1 (907)353-7713 to reserve space, reservations available up to two weeks in advance. Please visit our Hourly Child Care page for more information.
- Frequently Asked Questions
* What services does CYS provide?
· Full-day child care
· Part-day preschool
· Youth Sports
· Kids on Site
· Seasonal Camps
· SKIESUnlimited
· Open recreation for teens
· Hourly care
· Strong Beginnings Pre-K program
· Recreational classes
· Before/after-school programs
* Not all programs are offered at every garrison. Please check with your local CYS office to verify availability of programs.
2. What can be provided as proof of eligibility?
The sponsor’s ID card or DEERS enrollment forms that prove legal guardianship. If the sponsor is a biological parent, a birth certificate works, too.
3. Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns?
Contact your local Parent Central Services to get your questions answered, by email, phone or in person.
4. Where can I register?
Visit Parent Central Services
5. What do I need to register?
· Government ID
· Contact information
· Two emergency contacts
· Immunization Documentation, unless school age children are enrolled in a local public school system where proof of currency of vaccination is required
· Deployment orders (if applicable)
· LES/pay voucher, student letter, or seeking employment verification (for on-base child care)
6. What full-day or before/after-school child care is available?
We offer three child care options
1. Family Child Care Providers
2. On-base child care centers
3. Army Fee Assistance for off-base child care
7. How often must I register and why?
The Department of Defense requires children's records be updated at least annually for their health, safety, or well-being.
8. When does my child need a sports physical?
Sports physicals are required by the first practice for your child to participate. The child may not participate until a sports physical has been completed by a physician. Sports physicals are required for seasonal competitive sports: baseball, basketball, cheerleading, flag football, soccer, track and field, and youth fitness programs.
9. When do I need to complete a health assessment for my child?
The health assessment is required 30 days from the date of registration. The health assessment is due every three years unless there are changes in your child’s medical condition before then.
10. Are immunizations required to register?
Yes. Kids five years and under need proof of immunizations. So do school age children not enrolled in a local public school system where proof of vaccination is required. Homeschool children are required to provide a copy of their immunization records.
11. What if my child needs special accommodations?
We welcome children with special needs. Every child will receive a recommended care plan based on the information presented from the Multi-disciplinary Inclusion Action Team.
12. Are there exceptions to fees based on total family income for special circumstances?
Yes. Commanders have the authority to grant financial hardship waivers and must consider the balance of Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) income and appropriated fund support as they approve waivers. Approved fees must be within the fee categories established by DoD.
13. Are there discounts for multiple children from the same family?
Installation Commanders may authorize up to 20% reduction of fees for additional children of the same family, with the exception of contractor employees and specified space-available patrons (in accordance with Department of Defense fee guidance) who do not receive child care fee assistance.
14. * What is available to me if I am retired?
Sports and SKIESUnlimited classes are available to retirees’ Families. Retirees are allowed to use services on a space-available basis when there are no other eligible uses on the wait list.
15. What types of programs and activities are offered for middle school students and teens?
· Leadership activities
· Girls & Guy talk
· Sports clubs
· How-to projects
· Power Hours
· Technology
· Leisure activities and special events
· Open recreation starting at 1300 on school holidays
· Summer camp
· Before School Supervision
16. What does the School Support Services Office do?
The School Liaison Officer works in conjunction with the CYS Division and the local school community to address educational issues involving military children. Through partnering with the local and military community, the School Liaison Officer acts as a communication link between the installation and the surrounding school districts.
17. How do I use MCC?
Go to MilitaryChildCare.com to create an account containing information about your family, or to login using an existing username and password.
Search the system for the child care options that best fit your needs and submit your request for care.
You can manage your requests for care from anywhere in the world.
Keep your My Profile page up-to-date with important information.
- CACFP: Child and Adult Care Food Program
Fort Wainwright Child Care Center, School Age Center, Youth Center and Family Child Care Homes (FCC) participate in Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), a Federal Program that provides healthy meals and snacks to all children and youth receiving in care. The goal of the CACFP is to improve the health and nutrition of children and youth while promoting the development of good eating habits and the furtherance of nutrition education.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 202509410 or call (800) 7953272 or (202) 7206382
(TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
The first step in participating in CYS Programs and activities is registration. Create your account/household profile at militarychildcare.com, so you can waitlist your child for care. The second step is to visit Parent Central Services at Building 3414 Rhineland Avenue to complete the registration process.

View the current fee charts for CYS Child Care (Child Development Centers 2-week or 4-week charts, and School Age Services chart).
April is Month of the Military Child. Please click here for the calendar of events. We are excited to celebrate with you!