An official army family and MWR Site


Our vision is to provide the community of Fort Wainwright access to high quality materials and programs to support the mission and lifelong learning goals for Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, and DoD Employees.

The Library supports special, recreation, professional and academic interests. Wireless Internet, computers, audio books, DVDs, video games, board games, music, children and adult books, are available.

Check out the online catalog to see what's available!

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See What's Happening at the Post Library!

 The Post Library has so much to offer for all ages, every month! Check out the events in the calendar: some are located at the Post Library, and some are hosted by the Post Library at other facilities. Download the March PDF here and the April PDF here.

Please check out the MWR Calendar for any changes to this calendar or updated information regarding the events listed here. 

Board Games & Card Games now available!

Patrons are invited to check out the new board game and card game selection available for checkout.

Board games and card game checkouts are for 3 weeks.


Loan Policies

Patrons may renew materials using the online catalog, in person, or by phone prior to the due date. 

Lost or damaged materials must be reported and restitution made in accordance with AR 735-17.

Computer Use

Computer Area

Need a place to do research, write reports, keep in touch with family or surf the Internet? The library has PCs available.  Or you can bring your own laptop and connect to our WiFi in the lounge area.

Printer Use

Printers are available for computer users. There is a $.10 per page fee for printing.

Books & Audio

Check out new best sellers in Adult, Young Adult, and Children's fiction and non-fiction!  We also have a special Alaskana collection with fiction and non-fiction books on the subject of Alaska!

Audio Books
Electronic Books, & Audio Books- The library has wide selection of books through our online resources.

If you want to keep up with current events the library is the place for you. We have access to many titles electronically through our online resources.

DVDs & Video Games

An assortment of almost 3000 movies and TV series. Movies are available for a one-week loan period and TV series are available for a two-week load period.

Video Games
The library is has video games! We have new releases in Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, along with games for the Wii. Games are available for a one-week loan period.

Copy & Faxing Services


A copy machine is available to patrons for $.10 a page.


The library is available to both send and receive faxes at no charge.

Free Online Resources and Databases

Looking to continue your education or expand your knowledge? Check out the Library's free online resources and databases which includes books, magazines, audiobooks, educational resources, Ancestry, tutoring help, online concerts, and much more! uses DEERS authentication so they're...Free to access! Log-in with your DoD ID Number and birthdate.

Alaska's Digital Archives For information for, about and by Alaskans. Brought to you by the State Library of Alaska. Image archives and Alaskan history can be found in Alaska's Digital Archives.

Family Museum Pass


Fairbanks Children's Museum & UAF - Museum of the North Family Passes now available for check out at the Post Library!



Fairbanks Children's Museum Family Passes
Now available for check out at the Post Library! Each Museum Pass covers admission for up to two adults and four children. Call the Post Library circulation desk for more details and availability. 

May be an image of 1 person, child and text that says 'Fort Wainwright PostLibrary Post. FAMILY MUSEUM PASS Passes are free! Valid for one visit to the museum. Passes cover admission cost for up to: Two adults and four children armyr Call the Post Library at (907) 353-2642 to library check availability, or stop by 3700 Santiago Ave to check out a museum pass today! MWR Fairbanks Children's Museum is the largest childhood education resource in Alaska's Interior. They inspire and connect families through discovery and the power of play. Open Tuesdays 10AM-7PM and Wednesday-Saturday 10AM-5PM PARAMS museum SCEGCLICE useum'



UAF - Museum of the North Family Passes
Each Museum Pass covers admission for up to two adults and four children. Call the Post Library circulation desk for more details and availability. 

May be an image of ‎3 people and ‎text that says '‎Fort ۔gh PoLibrary FAMILY MUSEUM PASS Passes are free! Valid for one visit to the museum. Passes cover admission cost for up to: Two adults and four children armyn Call the Post Library at (907) 353-2642 to rlibrary check availability, or stop by 3700 Santiago Ave to check out a museum pass today! MWR Museum of the North serves as a cultural and historical museum, with a collection of 2.5 million artifacts and specimens including the only suspended bowhead whale skeleton in the Americas. Open daily 9AM-5:30PM UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA MUSEUM NORTH‎'‎‎

Suggest A Purchase

Help us make your library better by suggesting a purchases! We always welcome your input. 

  • Please check the online catalog to see if we already own the title you want before submitting this form.
  • Suggest any book, movie, TV series or video game!
  • Check the online catalog in 1-2 months to see if the item has been purchased.
  • Library
  • The Post Library is currently closed. The Library staff will be holding office hours at the Last Frontier Community Activity Center at 1044 Apple Street from 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday until further notice. Patrons should utillize the outdoor book drop in front of the library, 3700 Santiago Ave. to return library materials. Call 907.353.2642 with questions. Please leave a message if they are not able to answer your call. Voicemail is checked daily.
  • Hours:
    Training Holidays
    Federal Holidays